The SysGauge system monitor allows one to display the current monitoring status and control the monitoring process via a Windows system tray icon,
which may be displayed in the bottom-right corner of the Windows task bar. In order to enable the SysGauge system tray icon, open the 'Options' dialog,
select the 'General' tab and enable the 'Minimize To System Tray' option.
When this option is enabled and the SysGauge main GUI window is minimized, the SysGauge system tray icon will be displayed in the bottom-right corner
of the Windows task bar. The SysGauge system tray icon continuously indicates the current system monitoring status. A green icon means that the monitor
is active and there are no errors or warnings. When a yellow icon is displayed, it means that one or more system monitoring warnings detected.
When a red icon is displayed, it means that one or more system monitoring errors detected.
In addition, the SysGauge system tray icon provides a system tray menu allowing one to control the SysGauge GUI application. In order to display
the SysGauge system tray menu, press the right mouse button over the SysGauge system tray icon. Select the 'Show SysGauge' menu item to display
the SysGauge GUI application window. Select a system monitor menu item to switch to the selected system monitor and open the SysGauge GUI application.
Select the 'Exit SysGauge' menu item to close the SysGauge GUI application.